Oasis Manual Therapy
Therapeutic Bodywork
Manual Osteopathy
Trigger Point Therapy
TMJ Release
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Deep Tissue
Visceral-organ Therapy

What is Manual Osteopathy
Manual osteopathy could be described in simple, lay terms as "holistic manual medicine". Manual osteopathy is a system of health care that focuses on osteopathic diagnosis and treatment of the physical body’s structure in order to optimise physiological functioning. Manual palpation and Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy (OMT) are used in conjunction with biomechanical, orthopaedic and neurological clinical assessment.
Manual osteopathy is best known for treatment of neuro-musculo-skeletal disorders such as back and neck pain, sciatica, sporting injuries and postural strain. Put simply, optimising structural balance allows the physiology to perform optimally.